Label The Landforms Left Behind By Glaciers On Diagram B.

Label the landforms left behind by glaciers on diagram b. – Labeling the landforms left behind by glaciers on Diagram B unveils a captivating narrative of Earth’s glacial past. These landforms, sculpted by the relentless force of ice, provide a tangible record of the planet’s dynamic history. By identifying and understanding these glacial remnants, we gain invaluable insights into the processes that have shaped our planet.

Diagram B presents a rich tapestry of glacial landforms, each with its unique characteristics and story to tell. From towering moraines to serene kettle lakes, these landforms offer a glimpse into the immense power and transformative nature of glaciers.

Identify Glacial Landforms on Diagram B

Label the landforms left behind by glaciers on diagram b.

Diagram B illustrates various landforms created by glacial processes. These landforms exhibit distinct characteristics that provide insights into the dynamics and evolution of glaciers.


  • Accumulation moraines: Deposits of unsorted sediments formed at the glacier’s terminus where material is pushed together.
  • Recessional moraines: Ridges of till deposited as the glacier retreats.
  • Lateral moraines: Parallel ridges of till formed along the sides of the glacier.
  • Medial moraines: Ridges of till formed when two glaciers merge.


Elongated hills of till deposited beneath the glacier by the movement of ice.


Serpentining ridges of sand and gravel deposited by meltwater streams flowing within or beneath the glacier.


Depressions in the landscape formed when buried blocks of ice melt, leaving a void that collapses.

Outwash Plains

Flat areas of sand and gravel deposited by meltwater streams flowing beyond the glacier’s terminus.

Erratics, Label the landforms left behind by glaciers on diagram b.

Large boulders transported and deposited by glaciers, often found far from their source.

FAQ Section: Label The Landforms Left Behind By Glaciers On Diagram B.

What are the key characteristics of glacial landforms?

Glacial landforms are typically characterized by their smooth, rounded contours, U-shaped valleys, and the presence of striations and polished surfaces.

How do glaciers create landforms?

Glaciers erode and shape the landscape through a combination of processes, including abrasion, plucking, and deposition.

What are some common glacial landforms?

Common glacial landforms include moraines, eskers, drumlins, and kettle lakes.